Asset Planning/Strategic Asset Allocation

Output: Based on your current need and your long-term goals, we jointly define the optimal asset allocation that will meet your long-term needs.

  • A clean foundation, tailored to all your needs.
  • Analysis and planning for your income and expenses (liquidity planning).
  • Holistic inventory of your assets, including liabilities.
  • Joint definition of long-term goals and needs.
  • Strategic Asset Allocation and asset planning as a key function of succession planning.

Our Services

Financial Health Check-up

At the end of the Health Check, you will receive a detailed analysis of the current situation, with specific recommendations and optimizations.

Financial Health Check-up

Asset Planning/Strategic Asset Allocation

Based on your current need and your long-term goals, we jointly define the optimal asset allocation that will meet your long-term needs.

Asset Planning/Strategic Asset Allocation

Manager Selection

Based on broad selection, the appropriate asset managers are chosen so that the strategic asset allocation is implemented in the best possible way.

Manager Selection

Consolidation / Monitoring

A consolidated overview enables monitoring of investment guidelines, controlling of fees and settlements as well as performance market comparisons.

Consolidation / Monitoring

Investment and Transaction Services

We support you in all entrepreneurial activities and coordinate them with the strategic asset allocation and your personal needs.

Investment and Transaction Services

Social Responsible Investments (ESG)

Based on your current needs and your long-term goals, we jointly
define the optimal asset allocation that will meet your long-term needs.

Social Responsible Investments (ESG)

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